Wednesday, July 15, 2009

She Gets a Puppy and Poof...She's Gone!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and writing away! Things have been crazy for me. I am adjusting to my new lifestyle and am having a nice (much needed) break from writing. I think this is good because I will be able to go back to my manuscript with a fresh perspective, and I am looking forward to it.

The puppy still takes a lot of my time, and he really doesn’t like to sleep, be contained, or to not be entertained by me on a regular basis. Sigh! I haven’t forgotten you all…I still check out blogs here and there. Just don’t have a lot of time to myself to play on the computer. Anyway, here is a new video of my pup. Lots of love!!!


Katie Salidas said...

OMG! Such a pute puppy!!!

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Miles is so cute! I am glad your time away has also been beneficial toward your manuscript. Don't stay away forever--we miss you!

Mariah Irvin said...

Aww! Those big eyes and ears!

*Heart explodes from watching so much cuteness*

Danyelle L. said...

Cute little one! Hmmm, he sounds a lot like a child. :p

Corey Schwartz said...

OMG,. What a cutie boy! I hope he inspires you to write PB.

MeganRebekah said...

What a gorgeous dog! Puppies are so much fun. I was watching this video with my dog in my lap and he sat up to watch and stared intently at the screen!

kah said...

I wanna kiss him! :) Good luck with the fresh take on the MS

Scott said...

Glad to know you're still out there! Tyrone's missed your presence.

Things will calm down with the puppy . . . eventually. Enjoy puppyhood while it lasts. Write when you have time . . .


B.J. Anderson said...

OMG, what a cutey!!

M. Dunham said...

Hey, don't worry about us - we'll carry on in our usual merry fashion. :o) Take care of yourself and enjoy the puppy!

I understand the break. I was like that a few months ago when life overwhelmed me. Live your life your characters will still be there.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

OMG - he's ten kinds of cute! Glad you're doing well with your break and your ms. We're here whenever you decide to come back and play.;-)

Martin Willoughby said...


suz said...

Your pup is ADORABLE!!!!

Charlie Rice said...

I understand. I have a 20 year old dog (a previous miscalcuation had her at 18) and 2 week old kittens taking up my time and bed. :)

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

its like a kid - they are tough!