Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Heart is Lonely Still


I am currently working on the manuscript of a novel (women's lit) entitled The Heart is Lonely Still. Now that I am well past the half-way mark (60,000 words), I have been researching literary agents and am looking forward to writing queries and earning my battle scars with the infamous letters of rejection. I have written two summaries and have passed them around to both colleagues and students to get advice. Much to my dismay, the results were half and half (Ugh...which one do I use?). Not to mention, the task of querying agents is both daunting and exciting. The Agent Query website has been a big help and I would recommend it for anyone who is interested in publishing. Here is the link:

I particularly enjoy reading Jessica Faust's (BookEnds, LLC) blogs as they are probably the most helpful on the internet. Kriten Nelson's blogs are always helpful too. However, for entertainment value, I love to read the Evil Editor (be ready to pee your pants).

At the time, I am not ready to post a summary of my book on the internet but I will post a small blurb. Flying under the radar seems to be the best thing to do right now. Hopefully, I will have it finished and polished in the next three or four months.

The Heart is Lonely Still is an emotionally and spiritually engaging novel about an aging Kate Harrington who looks back on her life, tempestuous relationships, and on a now estranged daughter with whom she wishes to make amends. In the backdrop of 1970’s Italy and England, Kate is whisked away by two passionate love affairs, including the elusive Byronic hero Henry Clarke and the hippie writer Jude Matthews, that lead her into the safe arms of John Clement, but that haunt her for the rest of her life.

Yes I know...the last sentence is REALLY long. So, shoot me! he he

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