Monday, September 14, 2009

Literary Lab - Short Story Contest

Our friends over at The Literary Lab are holding a short story contest! Scoot on over over for details!


Scott said...

Woo-hoo, a post! Hope things are going well. How's Miles doing?


Anonymous said...

Oh look who is back ! Your faithful readers have been withering on the vine for some time now.

Davin Malasarn said...

Withering, just w-i-t-h-e-r-i-n-g.

Hope things are well!

Mariah Irvin said...

You're still alive!

scott g.f.bailey said...

Look, you posted! Thanks for shilling our contest! Post more often, darn it.

Tana said...

I saw it. I'm putting on my thinking cap right now... what to submit, what to submit...

Traci said...

Scott - he is getting so big!!! I have been focusing on work etc.! I love Tyrone...he visits! :-)

Patrick - I have writer's block! LOL

Davin - things are fine! Thanks! ;-)

Mariah - alive and kicking! :-)

Scott Bailey - Some little birdy sent me an email hoping that I would help you guys out, and of course I couldn't refuse. :-)

T.Anne - something exciting...with a murder...and a dog! LOL

Nishant said...

Your faithful readers have been withering on the vine for some time now.

Work from home India