Friday, May 8, 2009

How Sensitive are You?

Somehow I think we are all going to be under the same category! Sad thing is... I wanted to correct the grammar / punctuation on my results. Aye me...

Your Sensitivity Score: 89%
You are an extremely sensitive person. You notice everything.
You've probably been called overly sensitive before, and it's partially true.
Highly sensitive people tend to be highly intelligent. And you just can't turn off that part of you.


Davin Malasarn said...

Not sure how much the long-haired woman represents me, but here's what I got:

As far as sensitivity goes, you're a lot more in tune than most people.
You can't help but be touched by what's around you - good and bad.
But when things do get really bad around you, you are strong enough not to break down.

Martin Willoughby said...

I got 62%...and I wished I could grow that much hair. I'd make a fortune in wig-making.

Traci said...

Davin...YES! You are in touch your sensitive side! ;-)

Martin - hair is overrated! :-D

Martin Willoughby said...

Hair is only overrated by those who have enough. I'd gladly swap what grows on my face and chest for some more head warmth.

Still, at least a trip to the barbers isn't expensive.

(verify word = tuxmrjes. What is that?)

Unknown said...

You are a highly sensitive person. Pretty much everything effects you.
You are tuned into the vibe around you, and someone's bad mood can bring you down.
But you also easily share in someone's joy - whether you know them or not.

Yeah that's about come it doesn't tell me I'm intelligent...

Traci said...

Martin - I'll add the extras.:-D

"Your tux Mr. Jes?" said the butler.

Marybeth - I did a rewrite:

You are a highly sensitive genius. Pretty much everything effects you.
You are tuned into the vibe around you, and someone's bad mood can bring you down.
But you also easily share in someone's joy - whether you know them or not.

Better! :-D

Martin Willoughby said...

Just one thing, why is it always a picture of a woman? Men have feelings too.

Traci said...

Martin - women rule! ;-) As soon as men accept that, the better off we'll all be! he he

Martin Willoughby said...

We have accepted it: we just haven't told you yet...ooops.

Traci said...

HA! :-)

Unknown said...

That is Perfect! LOL Thanks for the awesome change :D

Traci said...

LOL!! It made me snicker. You know what though...I didn't catch it before but it should be affect and not effect. Sheesh! Those peeps need editors! :-)

Danyelle L. said...

I'm 94%. This is expected. Sensitivity can be great. It means sometimes getting your feelings hurt more, but it can also help one be in tune with people around them. :D On the plus side, this quiz says I'm intelligent. Hmmm. Wonder where I hid it. ;-)