Do you spend more than an hour a day reading blogs written by literary agents, editors, or publishers? Do you check all day long to see if they have posted anything new?
Do you follow more than five writer’s blogs? Do you check your dashboard constantly to see if anyone has posted?
Do you visit your writer friend’s blogs after you have already posted to see what their responses might be?
Do you order peanut butter online because one of your blog friends recommended it?
Do you wait anxiously for comments after you post your own blogs?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have an addiction to blogging. Blogaholics Anonymous (for writers who blog) has helped numerous writers to come to grips with this serious condition. In extreme cases, blogaholics have been known sit in front of the computer for hours on end without showering or brushing their teeth. In very extreme cases, family members and friends are only able to contact the blogaholic by instant messenger, email, or by commenting on the blogaholic’s blog. Don’t let this happen to you. Blogaholics anonymous follows a 12 step-program meant to lead us toward a life free of addiction.
Unite with other blogaholics here! Introduce yourself as a blogaholic... it's the first step to recovery.