Friday, March 6, 2009


I went to B&N today and finally got the book I have been waiting on for a whole YEAR… Anne Easter-Smith’s book The King’s Grace. HF fans, you must pick up her books!

Just to show you that I can be a good asset when you go to sell your book, I will share my B&N story with you. While looking for The King’s Grace, which wasn’t easy because I forgot my glasses, I ran into a lady who was holding a book by Phillipa Gregory. So, I told her that I had read that book, and that Phillipa Gregory is a great author. Then the lady asked me if I could recommend an author who writes HF. Well, being the opportunist that I am, I recommended Anne Easter-Smith, Vanora Bennett, and Sandra Worth (love them). I had read on a blog, I think Kristen Nelson’s or Bookends, that publishing companies pay to have books conveniently placed in bookstores to attract buyers. I didn’t see The King’s Grace anywhere but on the shelf. I could have been mistaking but, just in case, I accidentally dropped a copy on one of the well exposed book tables (he he). I was too chicken to place it on the bestseller shelf, but I may do that for my writer buds! ;-)

The big thing in blog world today has been the whole Twitter #queryfail thing. I suppose the two sides are: how dare you embarrass writers and well, you should have done your research. I definitely think writers who want to publish need to be doing some research and reading up on what agents and publishers want. Seems like common sense. On the other hand, I would hate for my query to be tweeted. It seems like the query letter is more daunting than writing a book! There is a lot of info out about them though, so I think we will have the upper edge over those who just wing it. Good thing we have our crit groups as a filter. Why stress over things we can’t control right?

Back to Twitter… I just don’t think that I am that interesting that people would want to follow my every move. LOL I am not sure I will try it. If any of you use Twitter…let me know what you think. I am many accounts will I have to sign into everyday! UGH!


About Me said...

Hi Litgirl,

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm not into twitter but if what you say is true about authors' queries being tweeted by agents on twitters, that makes me a little sad.

Traci said...

Hey Crimogenic! Thanks for stopping by. :-) is true. Check out the agents blogs. They are all talking about it.

DeepGroov said...

TL, did you ever consider the irony of using Twitter to talk about HF?

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Um, Twitter is not for me, I think. Wayyy too much time. I'm a little disturbed... I need to go look at what's going on with this twitter-agent thing.